вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

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И снова доброе время суток! Уважаемые первокурсники! Предлагаю вам ознакомиться с правилами написания эссе.  Опираясь на них, напишите сочинение-рассуждение на тему "Транспорт" и поместите их в документе Google. Ссылки на свои работы разместите в комментариях к сообщению. С удовольствием почитаю их.

10 комментариев:

  1. First of all, transportation - is one of the most important branches of material production, to transport passengers or cargo. But so transport is a pollutant of the environment. In this connection there is a controversial question - whether the transport is useful or not? I have a car because: cars have many advantages, such as using it can carry things that you cannot bring myself. Also, another advantage is the rapid movement from one point to another neighborhood. By car you can travel. Some people earn through the machinery, they carry a variety of goods, products for the stores. Especially in these times it is very important, now under construction are many shops, supermarkets, and they should provide plenty of food, and this will help the truck. The car provides maximum comfort and convenience when traveling. The car is a vehicle that does not need to wait, which is always a free convenient and comfortable place where warm in winter and cool in summer. But I am against the transport, because it pollutes the environment with exhaust gases and the adverse effects on human health. Another disadvantage is that fewer motorists go on foot and less fresh air. Any transport requires care and the gas station - it takes money. A major problem is due to the high accident rate or neglect, in which people die. Every day the world is about three thousand accidents and car crashes and dies with more than seventy people. I think that car, though necessary, but it would be better if people ride bicycles in the Netherlands bicycle - a vehicle is not less popular than the car. It can go to work, go to the store, and for good health.

  2. Юля,с удовольствием прочитала эссе. Очень точные и правильные аргументы. Но есть ошибки (грамматические). Скопируй, пожалуйста. текст в документ Google, там мне проще будет указать ошибки.

  3. Of course, road transport has an important place in human life. It carries more than 80% of economic goods, because of the high mobility of road transport, the ability to deliver cargo "from door to door" with no additional congestion on the road, and, consequently, high-speed delivery and preservation gruzov.V the same time, it caused many negative phenomenon: every year from the exhaust gases into the atmosphere receives hundreds of millions of tons of harmful substances; car - one of the main factors of noise pollution, road network, particularly near urban centers, "eats" the valuable agricultural land. Under the influence of the harmful effects of road transport deteriorating health, poisoned soil and water, flora and fauna suffers mir.Protivorechiya, of which the "woven" car, perhaps, in no way identified as dramatically as in the protection of nature. On the one hand, it is easier for a man's life, on the other - its bane in the truest sense of the word. Experts have found that a car absorbs from the atmosphere each year on average more than four tons of oxygen, releasing the exhaust gases to approximately 800 kg of carbon monoxide, 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and nearly 200 kg of various hydrocarbons. If you multiply those numbers by 400 million units of the global fleet, one can imagine the degree of threat, lurking in the over-motorization.

    1. Наташа, скопируй, пожалуйста сочинение в документ Google и открой мне доступ к нему.

    2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VvKCDJ_e5mURJbp40LBIbz5918v4Sgh5N-KlnG3LDaY/edit

  4. Елена Витальевна прошу прощения что тревожу так поздно, но я так и не нашел как и где можно посмотреть как делается проект

  5. Сергей, я открыла тебе доступ к запрашиваемым документам. А проект ты найдешь в сообщении How do we treat the Earth? Наводишь курсор на название, нажимаешь на левую кнопку мышки, откроется вся статья. Там красным шрифтом обозначена ссылка Table of Achivements, также открываешь ее и получишь таблицу, где ты должен зарегистрироваться, как предыдущие участники, ответить на вопрос и поместить ответ в соответствующую колонку, и далее пройти по ссылке, где откроется проект. Если что-то будет непонятно,с удовольствием отвечу!

  6. Of course, road transport has an important place in human life. It carries more than 80% of economic goods, because of the high mobility of road transport, the ability to deliver cargo "from door to door" with no additional congestion on the road, and, consequently, high-speed delivery and preservation of goods. Road transport has played a huge role in shaping the character of the modern human settlement in the spread of long-tourism.At the same time he caused many negative phenomena: Cars burn a huge amount of valuable oil, while causing significant harm to the environment. The contradictions of which are "woven" car, perhaps, in no way identified as dramatically as in the protection of nature. On the one hand, it is easier for a man's life, on the other - its bane in the truest sense of the word. Experts have found that a car absorbs from the atmosphere each year on average more than 4 tons of oxygen.But I want to believe that the picture is quite different. The coming generation of people to return the land of pristine beauty and purity. Streets will be completely dominated by pedestrians disappear clubs exhaust gas of cars. Will radically improve all modes of transport, which are fully able to meet the ever increasing demand for freight and passengers, while not threatening the environment.

  7. In every man there is at least a drop of interest in the sport. My favorite sport - football. futbolm I like the fact that this is a very moving play, it is involved in more than one person, and a small team. The victory of the team depends on each game. This game tempers Health, has the will, a sense of camaraderie and helps to become a resilient and strong. Football - a multi-faceted game. Watching the actions of players from the stands, we admire the beauty and scale of this game. By participating in a football match, we get the pleasure of intense struggle with rivals, the ability to tame the obstinate round ball, from a successful collaboration with partners.

    В каждом человеке есть хотя бы капля интереса к спорту. Мой самый любимый вид спорта - футбол. футболм мне нравится тем, что это очень подвижная игра, участвует в ней не один человек, а маленький коллектив. Победа команды зависит от игры каждого. Эта игра закаляет здоровье, воспитывает волю, чувство товарищества, помогает стать выносливым, сильным.
    Футбол – игра многогранная. Наблюдая за действиями футболистов с трибун стадионов, я восхищаюсь красотой и размахом этой игры. Участвуя в футбольном матче, я получаем удовольствие от напряженной борьбы с соперниками, от умения укрощать строптивый круглый мяч, от удачного взаимодействия с партнерами.

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